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WAAI DESIGN BV (KBO no. 0477.157.747, 9000 Gent, Raas van Gaverestraat 44, tel.: +32 475 94 08 64, e-mail: [email protected]) (hereinafter: WAAI) is responsible for the processing of your personal data as mentioned in this privacy notice.


WAAI takes the protection of your personal data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorised access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorised modification. If you have the impression that your data is not properly secured or there are indications of misuse, please contact WAAI on the following e-mail address: [email protected].


In this privacy notice WAAI clarifies which personal data about you is processed, for what purposes and on what legal basis, how long your personal data is stored, to whom your personal data can be transferred and what rights you have with regard to the processing of your personal data.




Which personal data is processed by WAAI, for what purposes and on what legal basis?


In addition to collecting and processing the personal data that you (possibly) provide to WAAI when using its website or that of its commercial partners, in the context of its services WAAI collects personal data of:

  • (potential) clients and their employees
  • participants of training organised by WAAI
  • members of the Community of Practice Innovated by Design
  • persons who subscribe to the WAAI newsletter
  • persons who provide their business card or otherwise their contact details to WAAI
  • persons who follow WAAI on social media
  • applicants
  • WAAI service providers
  • third parties (to the extent that they are necessary for the services provided by WAAI)
  • Among other things, WAAI collects the following personal data:


In the context of its clients/participants/member management (contractual necessity, consent, legal obligation, legitimate interest):

  • identification data
  • financial data and details
  • personal characteristics
  • professional data (education and profession)
  • other personal data that (potential) clients/participants/members actively provide, for example in correspondence and by telephone, or in the context of the requested services

In the context of supplier/commercial partner management (contractual necessity, legal obligation, legitimate interest):

  • identification data
  • financial data and details
  • professional data (education and profession)

In the context of direct marketing, which includes sending the WAAI newsletter or information about training and communities you may be interested in (consent, legitimate interest):

  • identification data
  • personal characteristics
  • professional data (education and profession)

If you consented with your addition to WAAI’s direct mailing list, WAAI can use your personal data to send newsletters or other information to you regarding WAAI and its services and initiatives. You can withdraw your consent at any time, free of charge and without giving any reason, by clicking on the unsubscribe button at the bottom of any promotional electronic communication.


In the context of job applications (consent, legitimate interest):

  • identification data
  • personal characteristics
  • professional data (education and profession)
  • image capture (photo)

WAAI processes job application data to evaluate your job application and facilitate its recruitment policy.


In the context of compliance with legal obligations:

  • identification data
  • financial data

How long does WAAI store your personal data?


WAAI does not store your personal data for longer than is strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which your data is collected:

  • client/participant/member management and supplier/commercial partner management, provision of services: 10 years after the end of the agreement
  • direct marketing: 3 years after the last meaningful contact, with the understanding that a renewal of this period is possible with your consent
  • applicants: 1 year after receipt of the personal data
  • legal obligations: legal retention period

To whom can WAAI transfer your personal data?


WAAI may share your personal data with:

  • service providers acting as processors for WAAI
  • third parties involved in WAAI’s services
  • WAAI professional advisers such as law firms and accountants

This list is not exhaustive. There may be other situations where WAAI must inform other parties to provide its services as effectively as possible.


The aforesaid third parties can only use the personal data for the above-mentioned purposes and on behalf of WAAI.


In the event of complete or partial reorganisation or transfer of WAAI’s operations or in the event that WAAI is declared bankrupt, your personal data may be transferred to new entities or third parties. In that case, WAAI will inform you in advance about WAAI’s transfer of your personal data to a third party.


Your rights


You have the right to view your personal data (and to request a copy of it), to correct or delete it. In addition, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the data processing or to object to the processing of your personal data by WAAI (for example for marketing purposes) and you have the right to data portability.


You can send a request for access, copy, correction, deletion, data transfer of your personal data or a request to withdraw your consent or to object to the processing of your personal data to the following e-mail address: [email protected] or by registered mail to the specified office address.


WAAI aims to respond to your request as quickly as possible, and within thirty days. You should take into account the fact that WAAI may not be obliged to comply with your request for access, correction, deletion or transfer. This is because of its legal obligations, for the initiation, exercise or substantiation of a legal claim or the justified exercise of the right to freedom of expression and/or information.


WAAI also wishes to point out that you have the option of submitting a complaint to the national supervisory authority, the Belgian Data Protection Authority. Before submitting a complaint, it is advisable to contact WAAI in order to find a quick solution to your complaint.




WAAI reserves the right to change this privacy notice. The most recent version of the privacy notice can be found on the WAAI website. If the changes are substantial, WAAI will notify you via its website, by e-mail or by regular mail.



Belgian law exclusively applies to this privacy notice and any resulting dispute.


The courts and tribunals of the Ghent jurisdiction (Ghent division) are exclusively competent to settle any dispute resulting from or related to the interpretation or implementation of this privacy notice, however, without prejudice to any applicable binding legislation.